Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Prayer for the Pillar of Truth

Today I'm thrilled to be contributing to an incredible series put together by Preston Yancey entitled "At the Lord's Table." In just under a month (from January 25 to February 22), Preston's series is featuring posts from over 50 writers from all different walks of church life, all united under one topic: why we love the church. I'm humbled to be one of the newbies among this seasoned line-up of writers contributing to such a much-needed series. I encourage you to join in the conversation on Preston's blog.

5:58 pm.
I take my last breath of cool air in the cavernous lobby and lean into one of its gold revolving doors. They spin me round and spit me out into the city, transporting me from one world to another. I slide on my sunglasses and speed up to a run-walk pace through the downtown streets—5 blocks to the bus stop—in the hazy, humid 90-degree heat.

It’s my first time outdoors in 9 hours, and the air is barely breathable. After a few yards, I cock my head back and look up. The mile-long wall of high-rises on either side of me leaves only a narrow strip of sky visible above. Concrete and metal have crowded the heavens out.

I’m late for the 6:08 bus, as usual.

Read the rest of the story on Preston's blog.

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